January 30, 2016

See you in West Coast Craft!

Yes. I sell leather jackets in summer in SF because it is freezing here in summer.
See you in June at WCC! :oB

#westcoastcraft #summerinsanfrancisco #leathergoods #leatherjacket #snacku

October 16, 2015

Little known facts about Snacku Jackets

 Snacku leather jackets are made of leathers which are tanned domestically and are even US raw material and, this was very important point to me, are bi products of the food industry. When I visited a leather dying factory in Japan 3 years ago, I was amazed by not just their beautiful product but also by how many processes they have in their tiny old factory to create their leather. And there's even another process called "tannning" before dying leather. People sometimes ask me if I have ever thought of using PU (artificial) leather for animals and yes, I've always thought about it but also seeing the process and the beautiful product in the tiny factory in japan gave me a thought that, with a decent resource which sticks to the idea of using meat and bone and hide and everything, I should convey this heritage. It might sound bullshit to you but this is the best i can do so far. 
--sq. :oB

August 24, 2015

sneak peak the SNACKU'S new collection!!

The squirrel just had a photo shoot for her new collection "Boys don't cry".  This collection is inspired by the song "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure.  Here are some sneak peaks from the photo shoot!  So excited to show you new leather jackets. She is now drawing fun cartoon about the episode of "the cure ghost" who's living in their nest. You will see how this collection was born. Stay tuned! :oB

May 30, 2015

50 shades of black.

So the rib has some problems. My next collection will be all about black. there are two big reasons that it has to be black.  One of them is because my inspiration is the cure the band and the other reason is black is the easiest one to source materials, which means easy to "mass"produce stuff, even though my brand is a small batch production brand. I wanted to use rib details as a cute accent.  Then this rib I was so excited to import from the supplier in England ended up in a bit of disappointment. It has no good elasticity. So I went back to a bit more pricier rib I found domestically but the next problem happened was the shade of the black color rib has didn't match the shade of leather.  In terms of the color match, the one from England is better.  I have another supplier I found overseas which can dye to match the color but considering the cost for dye to math and also the shipping fee, it's not workable.   I thought black is the best solution but even black has problems.  Garment business is harder than you think.  Still it is fun for me! will figure out the way! We'll see!  :o)
#thecure #rib #leatherjacket #black

March 22, 2015


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