October 16, 2015

Little known facts about Snacku Jackets

 Snacku leather jackets are made of leathers which are tanned domestically and are even US raw material and, this was very important point to me, are bi products of the food industry. When I visited a leather dying factory in Japan 3 years ago, I was amazed by not just their beautiful product but also by how many processes they have in their tiny old factory to create their leather. And there's even another process called "tannning" before dying leather. People sometimes ask me if I have ever thought of using PU (artificial) leather for animals and yes, I've always thought about it but also seeing the process and the beautiful product in the tiny factory in japan gave me a thought that, with a decent resource which sticks to the idea of using meat and bone and hide and everything, I should convey this heritage. It might sound bullshit to you but this is the best i can do so far. 
--sq. :oB